Monday, August 6, 2012

Back to School!

So this year for college I am renting a house, so I spent the beginning of the week moving into my new house. It's definitely a work in progress, but I love it. :)

So beat up on my upper body pretty good. Not too much because I had a tournament, but definitely enough!  Which ended in a great tournament :) Not too bad for upper body day with my calorie burn. I was surprised.   I added more Pull Ups, Chin Ups, and Tricep Dips to my workout this time. All body weight. Also I threw in some chest on a couple machines. Now that I'm back to college, I have access to a gym all the time, I'm stoked :)

Although I didn't go crazy hard for arm day because of my tournament , you better believe I didn't hold back on leg day! Upped my weight on dead lift, so I'm excited! Still need to figure out something to work my bum a little better. I'll figure it out though, it takes time!

So I've been really good about not having any cheat meals. I can't remember the last cheat I had. Sooooo I decided that after my tournament, since I played for 7 hours in the 100 degree heat, I deserved a cheat meal. So my room mate and I went to Five Guys, which I had never been there, and it was so good! I felt really sick after since I haven't had food like that in so long, but I was worth it. My stomach on the other hand, wasn't too happy with me... as you can see. The first picture was right after my tournament and cheat meal haha. I was so tired, but there is my natural hair, no makeup, and quite the sunburn! The second was Ab Day Swag Day from the day after my cheat meal. Looking pretty puffy, but It's my fault though, so I'll deal with it.

Anyway, going to kill Squaterday soon with Alida and Ashley. Shout out to Ashley, by the way, she's going to California to play in a huge Beach Volleyball Tournament. So proud of her!!! :)

Kill your workouts today guys!! 


  1. Hey Taylor! I recently found your blog and love it! I've been looking into starting heavy lifting and really getting fit and tone, but I am a bit clueless on where to start as far as exercises and the weight amount and also the amount of cardio that I should do. Any advice or tips would be awesome! =)

  2. I'm very impressed by your effort keep on kicking ass =]
